Hollie Hughes

Croatian Statehood Day Reception

A huge thank you to Croatia’s Ambassador to Australia Betty Pavelich for inviting me to celebrate Croatian Statehood Day and to mark the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and Croatia.

Federal Election 2022 Campaign Trail

During the election, I travelled across New South Wales and campaigned for our candidates in Shortland, Parramatta, Bennelong, North Sydney, Wentworth, Lindsay, Dobell, Newcastle, Greenway, Robertson, Macquarie, Richmond, Warringah, and Eden-Monaro. It was so great to see the energy and enthusiasm from our Party faithful.

Establishing a National Autism Strategy for Australia

After over two years of community consultation, the Select Committee on Autism has now released our landmark Report on services, support, and life outcomes for autistic Australians - providing us with a roadmap for a National Autism Strategy and how we can improve the delivery of cross-jurisdictional supports.

Liberal Party End of Year Drinks

It was my absolute pleasure to attend the Liberal Party's End of Year Drinks event, which was also attended by former Prime Minister John Howard as well as members of the Australian Business Network.

Remembrance Day 2021 @ AWM

Representing the President and Members of the Australian Senate at the Australian War Memorial

Hydrogen Hub in the Hunter

I'm working to make the Hunter Region a major player in Australia’s energy and export sector.

2nd Vaccination jab

My second vaccination jab, at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney

Newcastle Airport Expansion

Joining the Prime Minister, the Member for Lyne David Gillespie, and Dr Peter Cock to announce $66 million for the expansion of Newcastle Airport.

Lake Macquarie CRU Opening

The Australian Government provided $5M in funding to the project, to enable an extra 208 campers to stay overnight at the Lake Mac Outdoor Recreation Centre at any one time.