Good360 is a game-changing platform that streamlines the connection between charities that have demand for certain goods and the businesses that can provide them.

They use a coordinated and collaborative process partnering with over 300 Australian businesses to provide the right goods where and when they are needed the most.

Since January 2020, Good360 has connected $95.5 million worth of goods with disaster affected communities during bushfires, the mouse plague, COVID-19, and floods.

How Good360 Can Help Autistic Kids Impacted By Floods

The floods that we are seeing across Australia’s east coast are incredibly terrifying and stressful for all people that have been affected. This is especially the case for autistic children due to the difficulties they have in communication and processing sensory information. For this reason, they often aren’t able to express their stress or anxiety.

Families with autistic children often use trampolines or other sensory toys to offset the imbalance in their child’s sensory systems.

After having experienced a significant and sudden shift in their living environment as a result of the floods, these sensory tools may work to alleviate the stress and anxiety your child with special needs might be experiencing.

The Good360 platform can assist in providing families with special needs children with these therapy tools, as well as any other essential goods that you may have lost or require as a result of the floods, by connecting them with businesses and individuals that have the capacity and willingness to donate these valuable goods.


Become a Good360 member for free to select and receive quality goods you have lost or need because of the disaster.


If your organisation is assisting communities affected by disaster, contact Good360’s Giving Team to request donations to assist you in your efforts.



Make cash donations to help Good360 get the right goods to flood-affected communities in need.


Donate your business’ critically needed goods to flood-affected communities by contacting Good360’s business development team.



$67,639 Worth of Brand New Goods Received – 40 Lives Assisted

Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides essential services and equipment for families who are living with disabilities.

Good360 was able to connect this charity with the LEGO Group to offer families with children with disability in rural and regional communities affected by the bushfires including the Hunter, Central Coast, Mid-North Coast, New England, & the Central West with LEGO products for the therapeutic purposes of improving social communication skills and as a broader learning tool. LEGO Group is aimed at those on the Autism Spectrum (ASD) but it brings huge benefits to every child because LEGO is fun!

$67,639 worth of goods were provided to Cerebral Palsy Alliance, assisting 40 lives.


$8,712 Worth of Brand New Goods Provided – 100 Lives Assisted

Valley Industries provides a full range of supports to people with a disability, including supported accommodation and employment in the Manning Valley.

During the floods of December 2021, this charity were delivering helpful hampers to homes that were impacted by the disaster containing essential items and toys for children with a disability.

Good360 was able to link Valley Industries with retailers such as LEGO, Booktopia, SC Johnson, Derivan, and others to provide $8,712 worth of their excess goods to 100 people that had been impacted by the floods.


$750 Worth of Brand New Goods Provided – 6 Lives Assisted

During the floods in March 2021, one family of six, had their house so badly damaged that it was unliveable. The family were moved to hotel accommodation but that was difficult for the single mother and her four children, three of whom have significant disabilities to manage. Lack of space, cooking facilities saw the family move in with a relative.

Verona School, located in Fairfield East Sydney, serves 63 students all with a diagnosed mental health condition, emotional disturbance, behavioural difficulty, or autism.

The Good360 Australia platform was able to use their service to link Verona School with an outdoor leisure retailer called Adventure Operations, who were able to supply the Verona School with $750 worth of brand new sleeping bags and mattresses so that the displaced families could stay in their relatives’ home without being a burden. Medications were able to be stored, the children were able to be fed, and they were able to sleep safely and comfortably.


$2,683 Worth of Brand New Goods Received – 118 Lives Assisted

Bay & Basin Community Resources is a not-for-profit organisation operating across the Illawarra region. They offer services ranging from early intervention, carers support programs, disability services, community development, and many more.

Due to the impacts of bushfires, COVID-19, and floods, their capacity to offer services and obtain donations in the Illawarra region was significantly reduced. Utilising the Good360 platform allowed this charity to obtain $2,683 worth of goods to provide to families in need with Christmas Food Relief Hampers. 118 lives were impacted by the donations that Good360 was able to facilitate for this not-for-profit organisation.


$3,725 Worth of Goods Received – 50 Lives Assisted

Zoe Community Services is a not-for-profit organisation that was established to respond to local community demand for quality disability support services. They have contributed significantly to the development of our community through various projects, social activities, and assistance efforts to persons and families with special needs.

In an effort to assist communities with special needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoe Community Services ordered Anti-Bacterial Sanitising Wipes, pillow cases, shoes, and other cleaning products to support special needs communities who were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. $3,725 worth of goods were provided to Zoe Community Resources through the Good360 Australia platform, assisting 50 lives in need.


$1,301 Worth of Brand New Goods Provided – 150 Lives Assisted

During COVID-19 restrictions, families of students with special needs experienced limited access to practical leaning materials.

Good360 Australia connected Cabramatta High School with LEGO to provide eight boxes of LEGO to these families so that students with special needs were able to engage in LEGO therapy during their online learning. This therapy is a social development tool that helps children with disabilities – particularly those with autism – to develop their skills in turn-taking, sharing, listening, conversation, teamwork, shared attention and problem-solving.

$1,301 worth of goods were provided to Cabramatta High School through the Good360 Australia platform, assisting the lives of 150 students.

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